Founded in 2016, QSE7 offers innovative and specialized
Information Technology (IT) and Consulting services to
Life Sciences companies. Our areas of focus include
program/project management, process analysis, automated
business process improvements, data analytics, reporting, graphic design and implementation of IT solutions.
We strive to bring automation and efficiency to our clients’ processes by providing high-quality and intuitive solutions in an efficient, comprehensive manner.
We built our solutions by closely listening to our clients. We know how to
analyze information and customize our offering to the ever-changing market.
Get connected today to learn more about how we can meet your
custom needs.
Helping companies implement the
attributes of quality systems
QSE7 helps clients implement the seven attributes of quality management systems for our clients, including:
Customer Focus - addressing our customers' unique needs
Engagement of People - involving client employees in the design
Process Approach - creating quality processes
Improvement - cosnstantly seeking out ways to improve quality control measures
Evidence-Based Decision Making - leverage data to drive decisions
Relationship Management - maintaining relationships with key stakeholders